
Welcome to the CrewPass Blog, where we set sail on a journey to redefine the maritime industry’s standards for safety, efficiency, and reliability. Here, we dive deep into the latest trends, share insider tips, and spotlight success stories from crew members, agencies, and captains who have charted a course to success with CrewPass. 

There are times as a crew member, no matter how senior your position and how many years of experience, when it’s difficult …

This week CrewPass decided to ask our Instagram followers a variety of this or that questions based on yachting. We aim to …

CrewPass has already touched on the pull toward yachting in the blog post “The desirable life of a yachtie”, but today we …

The yachting industry is booming, the market is actively growing, and there has been an influx of green crew joining it. Dockwalk …

Motion sickness is a common issue for many people, and nearly 80% of the population will or have already suffered from it …

Finding a job on a yacht can be challenging for newbies, especially as the yachting industry is highly saturated and crowded with …

Today we celebrate our new partnership with UKSA. UKSA is a national maritime charity based on the Isle of Wight, offering accessible …

Unlike some other industries, the yachting industry is packed with insightful information showcased on web pages, blogs and groups to make life …

Introduction In many industries, background checks are required for employees before starting the job, mainly for the protection of vulnerable groups. CrewPass …